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face lift-lower
Signs of aging in the face and neck occur for many reasons, such as heredity, skin type, sun exposure, and lifestyle choices. An aging face can create a tired appearance or falsely express feelings. A lower facelift can help to reduce the appearance of deep facial wrinkles, sagging jowls, and sagging and banding in the neck, restoring a firmer, more youthful appearance.

Signs of aging in the face and neck occur for many reasons, such as heredity, skin type, sun exposure and lifestyle choices. An aging face can create a tired appearance or falsely express feelings. A lower facelift can help to reduce the appearance of deep facial wrinkles, sagging jowls, and sagging and banding in the neck, restoring a firmer, more youthful appearance.
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how does a mid-facelift work?
Much like a rubber band that has been over-stretched, the tissues in your face weaken over time, losing their resiliency and ability to maintain a firm, youthful position. Additionally, fat deposits, which normally give the face a soft, rounded appearance, migrate downward or are depleted, creating hollow areas. These changes create deep wrinkles, jowls, and loose skin in the lower portion of the face and neck.
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Prior to your procedure, you will be given one of three types of anesthesia to make you as comfortable as possible. General anesthesia involves breathing in a gas that causes you to sleep through the procedure. Intravenous (IV) conscious sedation is an option where an IV delivers medication that causes you to relax, but you may not be entirely asleep. The procedure may also be done with local anesthesia, in which tiny injections numb the area surrounding the surgical site. The procedure takes approximately an hour, but it may also be combined with other procedures done at the same time. Your physician will help you determine the preferred treatment options and the desired outcome.
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A small incision is typically made above each ear in the temple area, well hidden behind the hairline. Alternatively, a pair of incisions may be concealed beneath the eyelashes in the lower eyelids. Another set of incisions are made at the gum line inside the upper lip. Instruments are inserted through the lower and upper incisions to lift the skin, underlying fat, and muscle from the cheekbone. Next, the surgeon will place sutures through the fat deposits and muscle, lift them upwards, and secure them to tissue in the temple area near the upper incisions. All incisions are closed to complete the procedure.

recovery and results
Enhancements to the soft, round contours of the mid-face are evident immediately after the procedure and continue to improve over the next few weeks. The swelling or bruising will fade, and you may be directed to use ice packs to minimize swelling. Pain from the procedure is usually minor and can be managed with pain medications. You can often shower and wear makeup, except near the incision areas, the day after surgery, and can generally resume normal activities within a few days. Your mid facelift will reduce signs of aging and restore a firmer, well-rested, happier, and more youthful appearance.