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Facial Implants Cheek

Facial contours are among your most noticeable features. Some individuals may be unhappy with how they look as a result of congenital defects or injury to the face, while others are simply dissatisfied with their appearance. Cheek implants, also known as malar implants, can restore smooth, round contours to the cheeks to create a proportional and balanced appearance.


cheek (malar) implants

Malar implants are made of soft, solid silicone or porous
substances that may allow integration with surrounding tissues.
These implants are frequently chosen to enhance areas of the face
for the following reasons:

  • areas of the face are asymmetrical
  • an area of the face is not well developed
  • an area of the face is malformed due to a health condition
  • an area of the face has lost volume as part of the normal aging

Appropriate for young patients who would like to improve the
balance of facial features, or older patients seeking to restore
volume to sunken regions, cheek implants improve or accentuate
the appearance by restoring balance and enhancing your natural

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Incision and Pocket Creation The cheek, or malar, implant procedure is usually performed through an incision inside the upper lip or in the natural crease of the lower eyelids below the lower eyelash. You should discuss the benefits of each type of incision with your physician. This animation demonstrates the procedure in which the incision is made inside the upper lip. To begin, your physician makes an incision near the top of the gums. Then the soft tissue is elevated, and a pocket is created. The pocket is usually positioned directly over the cheekbone, but your physician may adjust the position slightly to produce optimal results for the shape of your face.

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Implant Placement

Implant Placement Malar implants are pliable, which allows them to be inserted through a small opening. Your physician will insert and carefully position sterile, triangular shaped implants, ensuring the proper fit inside each pocket. In some cases, small surgical screws are used to attach the implants to bone. Once an implant is in place, your physician will verify that it looks natural and balanced, making any necessary adjustments. When satisfied, your physician will close the incisions with dissolvable sutures. Tape may be applied to secure the implants during healing.

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You will likely experience some tightness and swelling for a few days, and some people experience numbness in the implant area for several weeks. The sutures inside your mouth will dissolve, and the stabilizing tape will be removed after about seven days. While you may feel well enough to resume work and light activities in less than a week, you should avoid strenuous physical activity or activities that may jar or bump the implant areas for several weeks.



You will notice results from facial implant procedures immediately. As the swelling subsides, the area that received the implant will soften and begin to look more natural. Your muscle movement should not be affected. The implants are placed so that they are unlikely to shift, and the tissue surrounding the implants will stretch to comfortably accommodate them over the following months. With malar implants, you can achieve the shape, definition, and cheek contours that you have always wanted.